Discussion board grading feedback examples. make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.

Professional Communication and Etiquette beliefs. Start by creating one question for each criterion. Questions on a discussion board should be clear, punchy, direct, and open-ended. Discussion Board Grading Rubric. jhu. You can provide clear descriptions of the Discussion boards can be places where students discover how much fun it is to discuss academic concepts that have real world implications. Type a question or feedback in the Message box. Enthusiasm for the topic and clear effort to keep discussion flowing is demonstrated. You are on the right track. Jul 22, 2016 · Setting ground rules for your discussion forums is one of the best ways to encourage open dialogue, develop a safe environment to express differing opinion, and to set the expectation of respect. Click Discussion Board in the course menu. A grading system includes two levels of grades: task-level (structure and scores of all graded tasks in a class) and course-level (aggregated final course grade). These prompt examples for discussion boards provide faculty course developers with templates and inspiration for creating strong, community-building discussions for their students in various areas of their course and at various levels of course difficulty. An example of guidelines might be: • Respond with one original post by Wednesday, one reply by Friday, and a second reply by Sunday. Standard 6. Mar 16, 2020 · Used effectively, discussion boards with integrated applications can foster academic conversations and community content rather than simply another assignment. Online Discussion Board Rubric Criteria for assessing the ability to share perspectives, refine thoughts through the writing process, and participate in a meaningful discussion Primary Grade Self-Evaluation Teamwork Rubric (PDF) Features of a sandwich to graphically show the criteria Grading Rubric: All the discussions are worth 10 points (instead of 100 like the problem sets) because that makes my life easier and it seems a bit silly to try to distinguish between, say, a 92 and a 93 in a subjective measure of “quality of participation. Thank you! x (Comment #41691) by Shirlee Geiger 3 years ago (Comment #41691) Stacie, THANK YOU for your wonderful post, asking us to think about how it student might receive our grading feedback AS we are giving it. The discussion grade row may contain a symbol to indicate its status. When commenting on the week’s discussion board, teachers can identify posts that went above and beyond expectations. Provide a balance of compliment and critique; 3. 2 – Needs Work. Do one of the following: Select a grade item from the Choose a grade item drop-down menu. Discussion boards provide instructors and students with opportunities to interact asynchronously in an online space. You should allow permission to read your Google Docs files and connect to Google Classroom. 4. Jan 24, 2023 · Feedback is equivalent to adding eight months of learning for students per school year. (3) Addresses assignment, but writing is not clear and entry is somewhat hard to follow. I ask what I think are fairly good Attached Discussion Board Assignment Attached Grading Rubric. Blogs, wikis, and discussion boards are web-based platforms through which students can create and share content as well as interact with each other and the instructor. This guide is intended to help you understand this powerful instructional strategy and stay up to date on feedback and grading best practices. Below, we outline three use cases for low-stakes practice sessions, coupled with reflection to help you break up your lecture, give your students tailored feedback, and keep your students in the right To Collect Threads Click the checkbox next to the desired Post(s) > Click Collect on the action bar. A pop up screen will appear, as shown below. Discussion Boards Examples. Covelli, B. Some Sample Responses for a Discussion Boards in “ENGL 1005: Love and Hate”. Depending on the course context and learning objectives, these interactions can range from question-and-answer to in-depth discussions among students. Possibility #5: Portfolio or Multimedia Presentation Space. A grading system allows learners to monitor learning progress while providing feedback on achievement (Walvoord & Anderson, 2010). Its restrained online discussions are supposed to engage learners and urge them to share. Then, select Create New Rubric. Select an assignment and click the down arrow. In your response, you should. Click View Rubric to start grading. ) In order to keep the discussion flowing and not have Aug 2, 2022 · The Problem with Today’s Online Discussion Board. “I agree” is not an acceptable reply. Students can post comments, questions and responses, and the discussion board constitutes a record of the discussion. Apr 18, 2020 · Written interactions on the discussion board show respect and interest in the viewpoints of others. Navigate to the Control Panel. This is indicated by correct use of terminology, precise selection of the pieces of information required to make a point, correct and appropriate use of examples and counterexamples, demonstrations of which distinctions are important to Mar 30, 2020 · March 30, 2020. Also can be shared in an email or through verbal communication. Discussion Rubric Policies concerning attendance, participation, tardiness, academic integrity, missing homework, missed exams, recording classroom activities, food in class, laptop use, etc. Sep 9, 2022 · Step 2: Create a discussion self-grading quiz. Pictured is an example of a descriptive rubric that can be used for a discussion, courtesy of Dr. You can add a numeric value of five or fewer digits and two digits after a decimal point. If you want all the Posts on the page, use the Select All dropdown at the bottom of the page, click Go, and then click Collect. Here's why. The screen below will appear. Positive phrases such as these help students see that learning is a journey, and there will be some speed bumps along the way! Feedback tips*. • Your reply should move the conversation forward. For most essays and research papers, for example, you are expected to adopt a neutral, non-emotional stance. ) 100-point numerical scale (for exams, certain types of projects, etc. April 2023. It is a good idea to break students into smaller groups for discussions (see the next section for an example of how to do this with threads). Professor: In class today, we’re going to talk about grading students. Assess the quality as well. C: Contribute to the discussion by asking a probing question that deepens understanding of the material and/or provide a supplemental resource. Given in the form of course announcements, discussion board, and often emailed as well. Sample Writing Rubric for Discussion Board Posts A discussion board is an online communication tool that lets students and teachers take part in discussion in a virtual environment. The content comes from us at Marco Learning as well as third party experts – all carefully curated for you. The purpose of this discussion forum is to provide a vehicle for you to assist one another in solving the technical problems that might arise from using a tool like Blackboard. , weighting of grades, curves, extra-credit options, the possibility of dropping the lowest grade). If you want to get a post: Add the question from your teacher; it should be 5 to 100 words long. Assessments and Assignments. Method 1: Importing Assignments out of Google Classroom. Here's a sample rubric for grading posts on a discussion board. On top of dealing with the time and space constraints of asynchronous learning, there are so many different tools to learn. Thankfully, online course discussion boards have evolved since their early days. Here we are providing a sample set of rubrics designed by faculty at Carnegie Mellon and other institutions. Next, click on Topic Score of any student to start the assessment. You are expected to make a minimum of three substantiative postings per week. At least 1 initial post and at least 2 responses / reactions / rebuttals to the original entries of 2 or more different classmates. Mar 11, 2022 · Implementing Online Discussions. [UNGRADED] Technology Issues/Problems With Blackboard. The tool works well as an online discussion board. You can select the next or previous arrows at the top to go to another student’s discussion analysis. It creates a virtual community of enquiry, allowing peer-to-peer discussions at any time and wherever Internet access is available. Such good advice!! Write a post responding to the professor’s question. Online instructors should encourage students who do well on the discussion forums. Discussion is by no means restricted to Blackboard. 1. Feb 12, 2015 · Use analytic grading rubrics for online discussions. Nothing shuts down a discussion faster than a question to which there is a simple “correct” answer. Jan 9, 2024 · Form Connections. Discussion period ends Sunday nights for grading purposes, although you may feel free to continue a conversation if it is useful to you. These can be set up as Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation. Consistently responds to postings of peers within 24 hours. This When noting areas for improvement in a peer review, try using phrases that encourage growth and development. Tip 4. May 4, 2009 · Even the most experienced educators can feel overwhelmed when they teach their first hybrid or fully online course. Supporting a blended learning approach, discussion groups help learners and trainers keep track, stay on topic, and catch up on what they’ve missed if they didn’t make it to the scheduled session. use audio and/or video feedback to personalize and reduce chances of misinterpretation . Add or attach a rubric if you will be using a rubric to grade the discussion. Click on the Discussion Board forum to grade. 5 4 3 2 1 Prompt Examples for Discussion Boards. 27% and 18. Use different discussion-board designs (e. Here is a draft rubric for evaluating postings that you can adapt to your teaching style and your content. In the case where we break into groups and then rejoin with the whole class, your Apr 8, 2010 · Instructors should be sure to return the feedback to the students in plenty of time before the next assignment is due to allow students time to use the feedback in improving their next assignment. Feel free to discuss problems you may be Sep 10, 2020 · Below, I focus on discussion forums, since that’s a tool that most instructors and students are likely to have access to. ) check +, check, check- (for quizzes, homework, response papers, quick reports or presentations, etc. Click on the arrow of the topic you want to asses and click on Assess Topic. Many students agree about the benefits of making these connections. be specific and actionable. A lot of academic writing is very impersonal. Point from at least one participant is built upon and/or refuted. For example, an exclamation mark means your contribution still needs grading. Jun 28, 2022 · Click on Discussions. Reward good work on discussion boards. Below are sample approaches to grading. Select the Feedback icon, which appears as a plus sign, next to the grade pill to open the feedback panel. Feb 4, 2019 · For example, written assignments take a significant amount of time to thoroughly read and provide substantive feedback on. feedback). Weekly "attendance" is also mandatory. The Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 65(2), 139-145. This application brief describes a “Module Discussant” activity assigned in an online graduate-level leadership theory course. Jun 2, 2011 · An integral part of nearly all online classes is the threaded discussion—it is where students interact on a nearly daily basis, posting their thoughts and information on main discussion topics, your postings, and the postings of other students. Select Submit. At least one discussion must be graded for discussion analytics to be generated. While this may seem a bit scary, think about the purpose of the discussion board – which is to stimulate and advance conversation and thinking. Many of ATI's expert nurse educators previously developed, coached, and taught online curricula. Let students know Instead, saying things like: “That’s a really great start, but perhaps you could…”. Your postings are expected for each weekly unit of the course and the final evaluation will take place the final week of class. make a contribution to the discussion in your own words. Students hate them because they feel meaningless and inauthentic. ONE-TO-MANY Collective and relevant feedback shared with the class as a whole. Discussion Boards were created so online students could interact with one another and their instructor as if having a face to face classroom discussion. Instructors just need to sign up, label their chat, then share the URL with their students. Also, a callback to my previous post: discussions are not meant to serve as a platform for long-winded, one-sided speeches, but Many students can relate to the topic. For further guidance on developing Jan 11, 2021 · Your examples are going to revitalize my feedback language. Describe your expectations for student behavior (e. Enter a grade and feedback for this student at the top of the page. The Aug 4, 2022 · Click the Assessment tab. Here are three ways to use discussion forums this fall to expand what’s possible in your classroom–whether that’s in a physical space, online, or somewhere in between: 1. Primarily takes place within grade center, rubrics and discussion boards. Grading Criteria for Weekly Discussion Question Postings (4 points/week, 60 points total) Your weekly postings will be assessed using the following guidelines. On the Email Forum User page, edit the Subject, if needed. Dec 19, 2014 · To help alleviate discussion board burn-out, here are some strategies that can be used to promote student learning while reducing instructor workload: The instructor should review course learning outcomes prior to the beginning of the term and tailor discussion content to extend and enrich the material presented in the readings and module Implementing discussion boards that are more inclusive of different learning modalities has been effective in creating connection and community online, while building student engagement. Engaging online discussions are proven to help create deeper and richer learning experiences for today's learner. express and support your personal opinion. Consider using rubrics and scoring guides to assess and give In a perfect world, students would be intrinsically motivated to discuss ideas posted on discussion boards and would instinctively know how to do so effectively, but most research shows that even doctoral students need guidance including grading instructions, sample posts, and clear instructions to be successful (Amaro-Jimenz & Beckett, 2010). There is quite a bit of overlap in the feature sets of these tools, however, how they tend to be authored, organized, and used offer Create open-ended questions or questions with multiple answers, promoting critical thinking and connecting discussions to course learning outcomes. The student understands significant ideas relevant to the issue under discussion. Select Email. Grades given during the course can provide timely feedback on the student’s standing and help students improve their learning strategies and performance. For example, Marie Stackhouse ‘23 noted her appreciation Discussion postings are distributed throughout the module's time frame. Jul 12, 2024 · 1. Discussion Board Grading Rubric (Total possible points per entry: 10) Category Excellent Satisfactory Needs improvement. Instead, consider the following: Ask icebreaker questions. In the Additional Tools section near the bottom, select Add grading rubric. Instead of grading based on a student posting one original post and then 2-3 replies to others, consider grading based on original thoughts and advancements to the use instructor feedback to improve their performance; monitor and assess their progress as they work towards clearly indicated goals; recognize their strengths and weaknesses and direct their efforts accordingly; Examples of Rubrics. Allow multimedia responses (and, for some questions, require them). See Harmonize in action. A discussion provides a means for students to exchange opinions, share multiple perspectives Discussion Board #2. Using rubrics will allow students to have a clear guideline o. ) Mar 24, 2020 · DOWNLOAD A PDF OF THE DISCUSSION BOARD GRADING RUBRIC. Setup is quite simple. Written responses contain numerous grammatical, spelling or punctuation A: Acknowledge the contributions of the person to whom you are responding. After creating a rubric, you must provide a means for learners to score themselves on each of the rubric criteria. While you have measured control over the content, length, and tone of student postings, you have full control over your own. The discussion board is the one space built into the course management system where students can see and interact with each other’s work. Analytic grading rubrics have two major components: levels of performance and a set of criteria. “The discussion board offers both an intellectual and social space that can foster emotional connections, improve student learning and can create greater satisfaction with the course,” said Sanok. (2017). The below examples are general templates that need to be edited so they are specific to the student’s work. provide as soon as possible after student submission (or after the discussion closes) provide frequently, in both low- and high-stakes assignments. balance suggestions for improvement with affirmation of successes. There are several types of rubrics: checklists, rating scales, and the most useful, descriptive rubrics. Horstmanshof, L. The Syllabus: Evaluation & Grading Policies What will the final grade be based on? Provide a breakdown of components and an explanation of your grading policies (e. 0 – Poor. I say, “hmmm…” a lot. Prompt 1) Give an example of a research question that involves estimoting a characteristic about the population of part-time students at your college. Click on and review the student’s submission. A rubric is a scoring system set up as a matrix with the two or three desired characteristics in the left-hand column and a three‐point scale for each of those desired characteristics in the remaining three columns. Doing this will earn a "B". To import Assignments from Google Classroom, click the top right button. Relate and react to the content and ideas in the piece; 2. Early interactions set the tone of the course and for later discussions. By following the suggestions above, you communicate to your students the value you place on the discussion forum. TYPES Adopted from John Hattie and Helen Using your discussion board, and without changing underlying course material, you can easily add both practice and reflection to your course. If a rubric has been. as the quantity of the students' online posts. Promotes interaction, asks provocative questions and deeps the discussion. ” In addition to the use of rubrics, they found that the use of AOD help to increase higher order learning in general for the students. Group sites are great for student collaboration outside of class because they provide members the ability to create discussion boards, share files, and collaborate on shared documents. May 3, 2019 · A quick perusal of the internet will turn up an unlimited number of extremely complicated rubrics for discussion boards. If the discussion replies are part of a graded group discussion, you can view the discussion replies in the context of the full group discussion by clicking the view the full group discussion link [2]. B: Build on the ideas of the original poster by adding your own thoughts or analysis. Sample Writing Rubric for Discussion Board Posts Discussion Board Participation and Expectations: G H 101 A Here is the general information about the Learn by Doing discussion board exercises (directions, grading, feedback). If the course objectives are best met through this means of assessment, your time will be well spent if you develop a rubric at the same time as the assignment. Here is one example of the ABC's of Learn by Doing Here is the general information about the Learn by Doing discussion board exercises (directions, grading. For one, this is the perfect example of a healthy learning environment for all students. Feb 5, 2024 · Example 1. However, discussion boards can be a great tool for engagement, knowledge transfer, practice, and ONLINE DISCUSSION RUBRIC. My rubric literally jumps from 100% Jun 3, 2024 · Grades for group activities can be set equally (all members get the same grade, but instructor only has to enter it once) or each student can get a unique grade. Jun 12, 2023 · Setting up a discussion board in Blackboard. “By seeking feedback more often, you can continue to grow and improve in your role. Positive Feedback Examples on Exceptional Work. sion ForumDetermine the student you would like to grade, and click on the Grade buton A. Quality and clarity of information Information clearly reflects the assigned task. Add a score. Grading with Rubrics 1. To create a rubric from an assignment, discussion, or journal, select the Settings button to open the Settings panel. Use different grading scales for different assignments. Or “I think I understand your point of view. Discussion Board Posts. Blackboard will Collect the checked Posts onto a single page for easier reading, as shown. Contemporary discussions of education increasingly emphasize the social nature of learning (Palincsar and Herrenkohl 2002), which focuses on interactions or discussions among students, or among students and instructors. 46 (the OSCQR Rubric) Rubrics are recommended as a best practice for communicating criteria and achievement levels for assignments in online courses. If for example there are five criteria, there should be five questions. Often, faculty and students feel trapped and bored by only using this one form of interaction. Quality of Writing and Proofreading 16. This resource provides three learner-centered strategies using Ed Discussion Nov 8, 2023 · Our free discussion board response generator is user-friendly and straightforward. The problem is that I started noticing they don't tie it into the readings, lectures If they don't the grading should be bad. Nov 23, 2021 · Well, discussion boards create a more structured way of sharing notes when taking a course. While faculty might hope that students can “just discuss” a topic online with little or no support, Beckett, Amaro‐Jiménez, and Beckett (2010) found that “even doctoral students may need explicit grading instructions, and therefore provide rubrics and sample Sep 5, 2023 · General Constructive Feedback Examples for Students. General Q&A Discussion Forum. Instructor presence in the discussion board is essential to ensure deeper reflection by the students. Tags: Assessment, Discussions, Peer-Reviewed Entry, Rubric Description. A self-grading quiz works well for this purpose. One of the simplest positive feedback examples you can come across is the case of offering feedback to colleagues on the quality of their work. Apr 6, 2014 · 2 points per week, weeks 1-15 (minus the week of spring break), lowest 4 discarded. 3. Encourage students to provide thoughtful responses that display true comprehension of the material. (For a rubric of "substantiative postings" see the online discussion rubric in this section. I hate grading them because it produces giant mountains of text that, because the conversation feels inauthentic, is rather shallow. Available as Mar 29, 2021 · In the next article in this series (featured April 5th), we will explore ways to use discussions to foster learner exploration of concepts. You can also create a rubric in your gradebook by selecting the Settings button. 1/9. • Remember this is the minimum number of times you are required to post. Jan 1, 2023 · Sieben ( 2017) suggests six effective feedback strategies through a strengths-based approach that would make writing matter to students. No makeups or late participation counted (you have 4 weeks to be absent or do as you wish). , student-led facilitation, case-study scenarios) to provide opportunities for students to discuss concepts and solve problems with each other. ts on the page, click in the Grade box. spStrategies to Facilitate Online Discussions Give students clear expectations about online discussion requirements, deadlines, and grading procedures. Tools, it seems, that all of their students either know how to use or master very quickly. Nov 11, 2014 · 7. An effective response will contain at least 100 words. Quality of work is an area in which you should always have some positive feedback for your colleagues in your back pocket. 3 – Average. Professor here, looking for feedback (discussion boards) Look, we all hate discussion boards 99% of the time. g. In addition, recognizing exemplary student work can indicate the best way to approach assignments to Select the Grades & Participation tab on the discussion’s page to see individual discussion analysis. Writing is clear. In discussion posts, however, you are expected to On the Grade Discussion Thread Users page or the Grade Discussion Forum Users page, select the check boxes next to the students you want to email. Or, if your post has been graded, the grade appears. They can make you feel like you are nickel and diming your students for every aspect of their participation. Explore the tips below to learn how you can design an engaging discussion in Canvas. When you create a rubric, you divide the assigned work into parts. Some examples include: “To enhance your time management skills, you might try prioritizing tasks or setting deadlines. Elikai & Schuhmann (2010) found that grading policies and associated rubrics motivated learning by associating levels of mastery and performance with a specific grade, and guiding Oct 3, 2018 · At the end of the semester, she sends an email reprimanding Faculty B and Faculty E for having posted replies only to an average 23. So, many of these discussion board responses start to tie into things they've seen, personal stuff, for the most part, I give them full points. Rubrics can help ensure consistent and impartial grading and help students focus on your expectations. used, click the Rubric TitleGrade according to. Tip 3. Or “huh. If you participate in a graded discussion, you can view your grade in My Grades. Click New grade item to create a new item ( see instructions below) Enter a score value in the Score out of field. For example, you are working with your students on integrating source material into their papers, and you have asked them to review the material available on the Excelsior See full list on ep. By starting to study for the exam earlier, you may be able to retain more knowledge on exam day. Quantity and Timeliness. 2. Then click Grade All Users. Use minimal marginal notes and summative endnotes; 4. Then review the example discussion prompt to see these recommendations in action. They know the delicate balance required in deciding how to grade students' responses in the online discussion boards that are a crucial part of these virtual courses. Examples for and from Carnegie Mellon Syllabi: Grading Grading a Discussion Board Forum Grading Rubric. Example – Basic Rubric. 43% of student posts. Austin. The concept of such a school is great. Jun 24, 2022 · Review real-life examples of online discussion rubrics. If you are teaching online, you can use the Excelsior OWL to provide feedback both in discussion forums and in student’s written work. A scaffolded approach to Discussion Board use for formative assessment of academic writing skills. You use third person pronouns, and you only present information from expert sources – not your own experiences. At least 1 initial post and 2 responses to the original entries of classmates. For instructors, the discussion board serves as an asynchronous Meaningful feedback is provided on other’s ideas. Share this blog. Add Mar 27, 2019 · 4. Click the horizontal arrow to open the Grade Center dropdown, then click Needs Grading. Writing Online Discussion Feedback. , & Brownie, S. (2013). Example 2: 5 – Excellent. Jun 3, 2024 · Backchannel Chat is a payment-required tool for grades 7–12. They can be overwhelming and scary. Part 1: Five Online Discussion Ideas to Apply Learning. For example, the ability for instructors to better organize discussion threads as well as the introduction of more modern social-based communication elements like mentions, have made them much more attractive. A rubric is a scoring tool you can use to evaluate graded work. Faculty B deletes the email without reading it; Faculty E reads the email, gets angry, and responds to even fewer student posts next semester. This presence is determined by your postings to the class discussion board. Grading scales include: letter grades with pluses and minuses (for papers, essays, essay exams, etc. Part 3: Seven Online Discussion Ideas to Explore Concepts through Jump to the "Ultra" help about viewing discussion grades. Providing ongoing, high-quality grading throughout the course ensures that final grades do not come as a surprise to students. Note: To return to SpeedGrader from the full discussion, use your internet browser's back button. Just follow the steps indicated below: First, choose if you want to generate a discussion board post or a reply to your classmate’s post. When grading with CoGrader, make sure you are importing assignments written on a Google Doc file. Written interactions on the discussion board show respect and sensitivity to peers' gender, cultural and linguistic background, sexual orientation, political and religious beliefs. Rethink how you grade discussion boards. edu Abstract. Jan 7, 2022 · Instructors need to write an effective discussion prompt, provide clear instructions, make a plan for grading and facilitation, and build the discussion board in Canvas. The assignment was designed to stimulate higher-level thinking, apply leadership theory to practice, and foster extensive communication among students in the online learning environment using a common Jul 11, 2023 · The online discussion board, also known by various other names such as discussion forum, online group discussion forum, or online discussion forum for students, is a term for any online communication board where you can leave messages and expect to see responses to your messages. There are many discussion board examples as well as discussion board feedback examples you can leverage. “You’re on the right track, but you’re not quite there yet. Pecka et al (2014) states that “Rubrics are often used to facilitate and evaluate student’s discussion board postings. Rather than posting prompts on a weekly basis, post less often but require more engagement. Points can be attached to the levels of performance and distributed Discussion, Teamwork, and Group Work Rubrics. Peer-to-peer review. 2) Improve this poorly stated research question: Do students May 3, 2019 · If discussion boards are not facilitated properly, students tend to engage them only at a surface level. Rubrics are always available to instructors in the Ultra Course View. As already noted by Mike, any student who loves education and wants to get fully immersed in the whole education experience would thrive in such an environment. NB This grade will be transferred to the Gradebook, since a grade item is associated. It might be helpful if I point out a few features of these responses or others that I’ve written. You can also grade or give feedback from this same page. Part 2: Four Online Discussion Ideas to Explore Concepts Through Divergent Thinking. ”. 5. Mar 12, 2009 · A rubric lays out the specific expectations for an assignment, and creates guidelines for assessing that assignment. The discussion board tool in the Groups feature in Blackboard is designed as a communication space for groups when discussing projects. Before you come to class, I want developed about the grading of discussion boards. , respectful consideration of one another’s perspectives, open-mindedness, creative risk-taking). Instructors can provide feedback, examples of exemplary work, and clear, specific expectations for student activity in the discussion board. Levels of performance can include terms such as exemplary, proficient, basic, or below expectations or can include numbers. Select a student’s name to go to their discussion analysis. Require fewer discussion posts during the semester. Online Discussion Boards: The Practice of Building Community for Adult Learners. Written interactions on the discussion board show disrespect for the viewpoints of others. 4 – Good. cc vv wd dd gi jo aj ws ek mf  Banner