My parents want to reconcile after abandoning me in reddit. My friends even like my parents.

I hunted her down at 14 and moved in with her because my dad was "uncool" and he let me go. She is the light of my life. I was living with my parents at the time. ”. I was the reason for the separation I was drinking more than I wanted to I was gambling I just wasn’t being a good husband. On the other hand your parents lied to you, and then tried to gaslight you by making out you were selfish and a coward. My brother abandoned us and now he wants to reconcile. I still had a good childhood, but my mom endured a lot and it wouldn't be possible without her. I’m getting married and my siblings, especially my little sister, want me to reconcile with the narcissist and abusive person I have as a father. Even the calls and the texts reduced over time and when they call they never seemed to be interested and they ended quickly. And after all that(and a few months to process it all), my parents sat me down and said they valued me more than they valued agreeing with me. So all throughout my life, me (28f) and my brother (30m) have had a rocky relationship. I built my own family since leaving their house and I'm safe and happy with them. My father was very serious about discipline. I'm autistic, something he would actively refuse to understand unless he was using it as an insult against me. My sister wants me to reconcile with our narcissist father : r/raisedbynarcissists. One of them is a minor. When I told him I wasn’t, he told me he had learnt his lesson and I needed to stop punishing our son to make a point. After she comes out of the hospital you need to have a closure discussion about everything and go no contact. Business, Economics, and Finance. After one year or so my kids stopped coming over during my turn to have them. I got so caught up in my/our everyday struggles of life and family that I completely took my marriage and relationship for granted. My other siblings were silent & wouldn't help. My biological father didn’t want kids and was abusing my biological mother. After the divorce, we saw our dad every once in a while. spreaker. Feb 25, 2024 · My Parents Want To Reconcile After Abandoning Me In Reddit In reunification programs, alienated parents will benefit from guidelines with respect to their efforts to provide a safe, comfortable, open, and inviting atmosphere for their children. I had started being online at a too young age because parents. They go to great schools, play sports and go on amazing holiday trips. A lot of you suggested he must be here to ask me for money. I just want my parents to drop it without hurting my relationship with them. You should make it clear to your stbxil's that they are never to contact you again and to your parents they are out of your life until they offer a full apology and do nor re-offend. 3. new relationship doesn’t work out/doesn’t want a relationship with a cheater. Also if your partner is truly remorseful she will absolutely understand why you need to separate now and heal and won't put a time limit on that. They had 4 of us by the time my biological mother was 18. When i was 14 I was the victim of a gang r-a-p-e by a few boys wish landed me in hospital and later revealed pregnant. TrickedCollegekid404. After years of trying to reconcile our relationship I am ready to quit, albeit passively. The parents need to earn a relationship with the grandkids and that starts with getting a relationship with the grandkids parents, both of them. Your parents called you a selfish coward. My mom says that she doesn't know, and I follow her down the hall into the living room. com/show/lost-genre-reddit-stories OP's dad effectively abandoned her after he married OP's stepmom after his wif Happened with my parents when I was 18. Make a list of all the things still at your moms house to give to the cops so they can see that you arent just going in to grab random things - you have a legit list of possessions you want back. My (17M) mom (46) wanted to reconcile recently. My parents are exhibit A. He asked me what he was supposed to tell our son and I told him he should tell him the truth, that his My parents divorced when I was like 5. I am a 15 year old boy, i live with my father because my mother cheated on him 7 years ago. I keep trying to come up with words of encouragement, but you are doing everything you can currently do to protect your family. After two years the visit from my daughters reduced. Our older brother was freshly nineteen. When you were pregnant with your shared child, he deliberately gave his love and affection to her. You are not there yet and may never be. Your dad is going to have to learn a hard truth that you sleep in the bed you make. Now my family warns me he's pre-disposed to suicide (as I am. Arranged marriages in India can have a real chance of a complete mismatch. There were 3 of us kids. They started making excuses of not coming over. Me and my wife separated after seven years of marriage and being together for nine years. My Mom organized an intervention on her behalf so we could reconcile and now I am unsure if I even want my Mom in my life anymore. I was abandoned by my Mother to. He lied to my cousins mom telling her he payed for my prom ( I didn’t even go to my prom ) and he payed my senior dues ect. I love them very much, so I don't want to upset them. I think therapy is a wonderful next step for you, your wife, and possibly your child. I(21f) barely had any friends minus my cat my whole life. Consider meeting him in a public place and force him to give you answers for your questions from #1. and the end result if you take her back is you posting here that she cheated for the second time. Was a total nightmare. We had periods of trying to get along, but he would always try to control and We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 1DotSuki. tale as old as time. And they need to both apologize profusely to your husband in person. Hell, I was pissed off with him even before I learned that he'd cheated. From Massachusetts. My parents were not pleasant. My parents want me to reconcile with my transphobic brother. 5. I (25M) am the youngest of four kids between my mom(52F) and dad (54M). When he came back into our lives, he was just abusive verbally and physically but NEW PODCAST LOCATION: https://www. Start from level 1, just like a simple friendship: build my trust, support me and be there for me and we might get along really well one day. They are both able-bodied, with their own working vehicles, and driver licenses. I would like to start by thanking everyone for their support. She - I don't need my parents in my life. The wife died when my brother was 19 years old. They know my dad and stepmom as their “parents”. My parents main focus is raising my sisters 5 kids that she abandoned. My Dad died as I was 2, who I just have some pictures with but no memories with him. And they have probably spent the last 19 years clinging to the idea that you had a better life then they could give you - being hit by the reality that their happiness now is built the opportunities they had by condemning you to misery has probably hurt them quite a bit, but thats not your fault. Yes, they knew where I was going. I (19)F never had my dad (39)M in my life. You are not his maid. I abandoned my entire family. Basically my mom's boyfriend for 7 years broke up with her and now, all of a sudden my dad loves her again and wants to reconcile with her. As you wrote, you were gently trying to get her to face the reality of the situation. Unfortunately, when I was around eight years old, my parents and me moved to the other end of the town, which led to our families loosing contact. Hopefully it’s not the case with OP’s dad and ex. I simply can not give you what you seek. A beautiful 15 years old lady who I love. I (19F) have two brothers 18 & 28. . Then give him the letter from #2 - whichever version makes sense based on how you feel after your conversation. And I need to attend to it every day. Family is a bond of love more than it's a bond of biology, and it's sad that he wants you to reconcile with someone who didn't love you enough to not break your family, and then chose to cut you out of his prioritised family. Your parents are liars and manipulators. Together let them know that, if they are serious about having a relationship with your family, that they will need to respect Despite her having lied about her progress to them before. My dad went on to cheat on the other woman with the widow (of about 10 years) of the best man at my parents' wedding and now they are getting married. While 18 is legally an adult, most kids still depend on their parents at that age. I learned from that movie that marriage is a full-time job. I (M 22) am not sure. :/ ) and it's my responsibility to bring him back to the family he disowned on account of their support of my equally abusive sister in her marriage. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Now she stalks me and wants to go to counseling “and get it over with” so she can go back to normal. So when we were around six years old, we confessed our love for each other. I told my mom and she said she is totally okay with this idea. They kept them. Build the relationship first. He would pop up once every 5 years and act like super dad. "What? My dad is here? Why?" I said. You have a right to your life. My dad doesn’t know anything about me I cannot help but wonder why you are trying to contact me when you told me years ago you don’t want me near you because I embarrass you. For a long time, he was absent. I hope if/when you decide to have a relationship with your father, he has grown. He bailed out of the army to keep from paying child support and dodged those payments. We'll listen, and if you want, we'll talk. He doesn’t come into this). Nihilophile. My father's family comes from old money so after his parent's death when my brother was little, my dad inherited a sizable fortune. He reached out to me and anticipates to meet up with me one day. Asian, can confirm. I didn’t decide all at once to do it, didn’t have a big blow out or major event. Daily, multiple times a day. You don't owe her anything if it means abandoning yourself. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 65 votes and 47 comments Despite evidence of dishonesty, my father sided w/ my brother, who was already unconsciously favored. They split a year after my youngest sister was born (she is 3 and a half years younger than me). 3 years ago, i met my best friend, my very first (what felt like) genuine friend, who I'll call Bellflower(20f). Just didn’t end up speaking for a long time, which was normal. I read and reread your words, and I don’t see anything cruel in them. She's getting married next year and I am told she is very happy. My ex wife Sasha and I didn’t end amicably. The brief synopsis of the story is that my Mum left our family to live with some dude she worked with when my twin brother and I were 14. My mother plead ignorance yet sided w/ my dad. Like every relationship they had some ups and downs but overall I would say they were really happy. I begin to tell you that i am swedish and my mother is japanese and i have lived most of my childhood with my father and stephmother. One day in 2019, I drove away from my parents house and never spoke to them again. I want no further contact. I have two younger brothers, who have pale skin and European features like my mum. First it made me realize that my marriage was stale, robotic, boring, well I can go on with verbs. From the 1st post "She told me she met him several times after I told her I knew. Even though he has his own family now, I want to. I got my computer the youngest of anyone, I was designing them early on because I was an information addict, I was left abandoned multiple times with just a computer to entertain myself while my family neglected to take me on adventures or help me steer my life, they would just manipulate the shit out of people around me with whatever they had . We grew up in an ultra-conservative Christian environment that encouraged punishment and “spankings”. I told him I wouldn’t come back, because my ex was right, he had the money to give our son a better life so he had won. After letting her into my life I discovered two things. I hope you understand and wish you all the best in your life. Like OP's son, I was pissed at my dad. Yelled At My Mom For Wanting To Reconcile After Abandoning Me For Years, Cos She Lost Her Kids~ AITA. TL;DR: My dad wants to reconcile with me after 20 yrs but my grandma made me feel bad for wanting to. When she didn't live up to my 'expectations' I became very angry. I [21F] just found out that my dad [45M] wanted to abandon me when I was 7. Well you guys were right. You don't want a relationship with her anymore and you have to make that clear with her. I told my brother that I don't care if he has a relationship with our dad but understand that he is a manipulative asshole and he will use you to try to get to us and if he can't he will turn you against us. My parents were going through a pretty rough patch that You are doing what you can to protect your child. His face got serious and he said “I know that but I need something from you. I had internalized what I expected from my non existant Mother. I was 3 years old when my mother abandoned our family. In 2019 I was in cancer treatment and newly separated from my husband (not because of the cancer, it was a couple months earlier. Even though all I actually want to do is run away. To give you a quick summary of what has happened: my parents were shit, I cut them off when I moved out, I fucked up and am going to be a dad, now my mother wants to reconcile. There he is, standing next to the front door. I (F25) grew up in a big family, my parents (MF 60s) 4 siblings (20-30s) and me. Mar 13, 2024 · 00:00 1st story:AITA for not being the nicest about my not father having cancer? (u/Professional_Rush_24 in r/AmItheAsshole)14:40 2nd story:AITA for going to We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Reply reply Our parents were really close, because we were neighbors, which led to us playing and doing things together very often. Crypto NAH. I live with my Grandparents since I was 8. Reddit Stories · 28m · Follow. My (21M) parents (44M, 46F) got divorced when I was 7 because my mom cheated on my dad, it was a difficult time for me because I barely understood what was going on but decided to stay with my dad and visit my mom on weekends. I told her numerous times, if she really wants to come back to our life, she needs to change her approach and mindset. 1. their ex moves/the divorce is about to be finalized and they want to “try again”. Bringing you back into my life would introduce complications I am not willing to face for my own good and that of my family. Build the relationship = Build trust through consistency and reliability. It took me a few month to convince the bureaucracy that tales of my death were widely exaggerated. Don’t try to get into a relationship, then try to build it after you’re in it. My dad has full guardianship of them. That having me in their lives and that I knew we all loved each other more than our differences divided us is more important than belonging to the same church. I’m 31, male. Growing up my brother was mistakingly diagnosed as being autistic and since I was “normal” my parents always wanted me to be the bigger person (even though I’m 2,5 years younger) which resulted in blaming me when my brother beat me up, bullied me and more. I begged her to fix our relationship, go for counseling, etc. (And that's saying something as my friends have high standards) TL;DR! Haven’t talked to my sister in 6 years because of her obsession with me and my ex. She eventually abandoned me again at 16 when she left me alone to fend for myself in a trailer park while she went off with some Hispanic dude in a big rig. If he wants to stay he will figure out a way to reach inside and give himself to you in the ways that meets your needs, not his. ADMIN MOD. His coming to you now comes off as an empty nester that realizes they backed the wrong horse. As far people in their social circles know, my parents have two children, not three. Remember that even if your partner does do the work to change, you don't have to return either. My parents vowed to resolve it yet refused to acknowledge the crime & remain neutral. Can you sit with your husband and express your concerns, and come up with a list of boundaries you both would like to have with his parents. Rampant prolonged infidelity is abuse and they are trying to yoke you to your abuser. My friends even like my parents. My dad was beating my mom and she left him, taking us with her. My brother is about to have another baby. My mom picked up 2 jobs to support us and put him on child support. We aim to keep this a safe space. dentalBYEgene. It was tough to get any positive attention from my parents and I felt very alone growing up. I can't seem to reconcile the fact that my parents were vocal about their love for me and did nice things for me, and the fact that I resonate with so many of the posts here in this group, and feel so hollow and empty. 24. You did nothing cowardly, and it's not selfish to not want to clean up after your bother. And one day I decided, you know what. 3 boys, 1 girl all raised by a single father. I don't really love her because i was 8 when she left and i cant really remeber her, but my dad is another man since my mother spoke to us again. After lots of time and therapy, my daughter and I are living happy. My mom treated me like shit because she thought I would stick around forever due to obligation. I never spoke to her again after my dad’s funeral. We were separated for three years and never got the divorce. When me and my daughter were getting back home, we found Lucy in front of our appartment, waiting for us, wanting to talk. " That's enough for me. They mostly took the photos i had left in the flat. Help keep the sub engaging! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Not even 12 hours after my mother came into my My parents are together since their early 20s. I do believe that I might come to regret not letting this run its course, once they're gone, and to me that's enough of a reason to give them one more chance. Build a dynamic of having fun together. Your sister has abandoned her kids. It is a huge source of pain for everyone, and her actions have affected everyone. They left a letter which I burned. They had one son, my brother (now 58M). Up until it was actually finalized she was in denial about us splitting and was doing ever I never thought I'd be making a post on Reddit despite lurking a lot but here we are. So my biological parents began having kids when my biological mother was 15 (pregnant at barley 14). •. After getting conflicting advice from my friends, one of my buddies told me to post my dilemma here to see what random internet strangers would say. I’m not giving exact ages because this story covers some time and it will get confusing, but my parents are in their 70s, me (F) and my brother are in our 40s, my daughter was 5 in 2019. She would say a lot of bad things about him. They were 15and 14 at this time. No hiding on the phone. If he's so family oriented, he should be on your dad's ass for breaking a family and abandoning a family. Soon after I turned 7, my mom met my now stepdad (who lived in a different state) and decided to move us to his home state. My parents always told me they loved me. If they blow this too, I'm much less likely to regret going no I spoke to my dad about it, and after his initial shock he said that I should do what I want, but ultimately speaking I still feel this overwhelming burden that I should reconcile with her. The kids are doing amazing. My mom is 58 and my dad is 61. Estranged Mother (F 40) wants to reconcile. My [28 F] mother [52 F] want to reconcile. I guess in their eyes, they won. aMericanEthnic. NTA. Our wounds are healed and we have a very good life. I hope she'll understand one day but until then, I don't think I want her in my life. I realized that my misery came from wanting her to be someone she wasn't. About 22 years ago my mom went on a vacation to Greece alone. They have 2 children me (32F) and my brother (18). I went NC with him a few years ago and I never regretted that. 6 years on, I have changed my name, I have completed two degrees and have a stable job and only just started piecing together the trauma of my childhood and how that's impacted how I hold relationships with other people. In hindsight and to give her the benefit of the doubt she was dealing with her own major mental health struggles, I remember witnessing her anxiety and infrequent panic attacks from a young age. My dad abandoned me but now he wants me to help his new family out. Just to preface, my parents divorced when I was 6 because my dad was cheating on my mom with my now stepmom. Personal issues. He can stay or he can go, but if he stays it will be on your terms, not his. CastAside_Child1762. A user has been messasing me and his input on my situation has been very helpfull. Update III: My family wants to reconect after 6 years. They are excellent parents about everything else. Being cautious is certainly appropriate here, and it makes sense that this is a bit of struggle to find the right way to proceed. The edit I wanted to post but couldn't: I want to thank you for the amount of support and advice so far. Despicable. I did this to myself. My ex boyfriend cheated on me with my auntie; my mum and I still haven’t forgiven her, even when she apologised. My dad's a real POS and me and my sister want nothing to do with him, but my brother still maintains a somewhat distant relationship with him. The dad still has done wrong by disowning OP like that without hearing his side of the story and taking the ex’s side; no matter how convincing the ex’s story was, you must After being disowned 8 years ago, my family has invited me, my wife (27F) and daughter (1F) for Christmas. My Parents Abandoned Me and Won't Apologize (MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING) Four years ago, I Drove myself to a mental hospital. Build a back catalog of experiences of being warm, patient, understanding, non pressuring. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: (1) I went to my estranged mum's engagement party and confronted her, ruining the party (2) She had abandoned me as a child and moved on with her new family. My father is a minister to put the icing on the cake. My parents continued to play the genetic lottery by having two more kids after me. NTA but yeah, you can consider letting them meet under your terms and conditions. My mom was professionally successful and very social. AITA for telling my dad to f*ck off after he apologised? Not the A-hole. When I was ten our mom passed away, dad died when younger brother was an infant and no immediate family. I don't know what to do. Around 17 years after his first wife's death my dad met my mom (47F) and after a year of dating, they got married. In fact, I want to tell her that I don't want her to contact me ever again. Goodbye, OP. It took me a year to find my way back to my home country to start my life from scratch with just $40 and 2 bags. My landlord was very understanding and gave me everything that was left in my flat after my parents understood that i would not be coming back. My dad was the opposite and he was somewhat abusive with massive outbursts. If it were me, I would tell him to fuck right off forever, and die sad about it. Keep strong and keep faith in yourself. Comments Over the years, I have tried to reach out to my parents, my sister, my brother, grandparents, cousins, whoever, and only one person (my younger cousin) will speak to me. They gaslit & ignored me. 6. But then, she came back. My sister has since moved on. I explained to him that Jack was always praised by our parents due to Anyways, back in November of 2022, I'm sitting in the back bedroom of our house playing video games with my headphones on when my mom comes in and tells me that my dad is here. fp zf kr rj sj rt hw qw hm ay  Banner