Reddit aita laughing. Nothing happened in particular.

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I’m (16M) mixed, but because my dad is pretty lightskin and my mom is irish and white as a ghost I look fully white as well, except my hair. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! The Asshole Universe is Expanding, Again: Introducing Another New Sister Subreddit! this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. We all have those times when we can’t help but laugh and can’t stop laughing. To not make this a novel, I won’t go into great detail ADMIN MOD. Then when he said he'd wait, you laughed and said it was useless. They disrupt the flow of conversations and just don’t make me laugh. The guests were confused then they must've understood why he was laughing because they joined in and his friend whistled at me mockingly while repeatedly turning his head like something caught his r/AmItheAsshole. Meanwhile she’s staring at my boyfriend who’s holding my hand so tightly as though he’s afraid he’s going to float away. 6. There wasn't anything unusual about the bus, until I started to hear a familiar annoyingly squeaky voice talking at the back of the So I can understand the laughter. but while we were eating dinner macy asked my little brother shaun (14m) to go get her a dr But laughing in another person's face—and then furthering this conversation about stupid shit by putting her on the stand—is so fucking infantile. ago. That you react the exact opposite of your actual feelings cause your "full" with the other feeling. A lot of people said it was wrong but I don't think I was and this is a new change We’ve all seen the AITA posts where a significant other sets like 50 alarms at 9 minute intervals starting 2 hours before they have to get up, and the other person in the bed is losing up to several hours of sleep. I have tried teacher her basic car maintenance for years but she never wanted to learn. onto the actual story macy is 3 months pregnant and Asshole. onto the actual story macy is 3 months pregnant and tbh i cant even tell she’s pregnant yet. Overhearing her friend’s logic, I let out a chuckle. we realised we were more like roommates the divorce went smoothly as in everything was split 50/50 (because that what we both brought to the marriage) Don’t enable your sister’s victim delusion or support your mothers attempt to do so. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. NAH -I don’t think you meant to laugh. That was not "making light" of the entire situation. " You made comments first. My (32M) little brother (25M) has been in a string of relationships since he was young enough to know what dating was. Then she shouts out saying her mom died. She got mad, and proceeded to call my girlfriend a terrible person “who was never going to be apart of the family. In the middle of the restaurant. One of the guys who wasn't there when "The Incident" happened said I'm being a bitch because "they're just jokes" and Dave is "special needs". NTA and for the people saying you are the asshole for not telling her, it's not your job. When she was born she had some form of medical condition which led doctors to believe that she won't survive at all. So this happened after I had just gotten home from a decent day Laughing is a stress reliever. It sounds like you weren't laughing at her, or more specifically, anything wrong with her appearance, but you were laughing at the perversity of going through every colored outfit she had (which you witnessed) only to find her in dark colors. The AITA mods have nothing to do with this ban and cannot assist in resolving. One of them grabbed a stool and got on it to reach for the container that's at the back of the control panel of the freezer, he started laughing again while his body was pressed against the freezer so the freezer started to shake, then one of the waiter shouted "stop laughing, the freezer is shaking!" ADMIN MOD. For some back story, I ,24F, dated Eli, 23M,for about 2 years and it was a total disaster the entire time. NTA and his joke wasn't funny. I think I might be an asshole for laughing at my little sister when she asked for help. AITAH for laughing when my brother-in-law was berating my little sister. But Bartholomew is just a cumbersome and old fashioned name that the poor kid will probably get made fun of for. PandoraClove • Partassipant [4] • 2 yr. It’s so tense and weird and I can’t help it, I laugh. niennabobenna • Supreme Court Just-ass [101] • 2 yr. The school should have told her how the things work, she should have asked how the things worked, instead of thinking Europe is like the US, she should have told the main teacher about the list. I spend most of my time with him, since my mom is always at work. Gait and mobility issues, exhaustion, anemia, severe depression, preeclampsia and some other complications. YTA that was a mean thing to do. On several occasions, the relationships ended because he was caught cheating with another girl (these are just the ones Not only did you 'laugh' during the funeral, you made a joke to your friend during the service and THEN laughed. Judgement_Bot_AITA. Give each other grace. You apologised and explained why you laughed and even tried to make a bridge by admitting you had wet the bed as well. I couldn't hang out with guy friends without him Teenage years can be very tough for those not in the "popular" group. People thought it was funny and she doesn't like being laughed at. That is a good line for her to use on the a****** or any other who does that in the future. You did obviously mean to scare him. He was a year or so older than me and we were cringe. It's as cringey as it sounds. When my fiance and I announced our engagement last year SIL had a complete breakdown, throwing a full on tantrum that she deserved to get married first and my fiancee should be forced to wait. I’m not sure what Reddit’s infatuation is with that word, but it doesn’t matter. I (20)F live with my dad (39),his girlfriend (36), her son (6) and my two little brothers (16,11). Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. I have never seen my boyfriend cry, or even shed a tear even after a death in the family, or pain in the 4 years we’ve been together. To salvage this it would take double the time she already invested imo😂 you did well so far and kudos to actually be open for her if she put the effort in. It’s also how you gets some perspective on what it took for your niece to make what she made. However, I wouldn't call you an asshole just based on that Normally if my girlfriend left me for somebody else, I would have been, but in this case, the fact she’s going back to him of all people made me realize 2 things: 1) she’s making an objectively really stupid decision, and that level of stupidity is unattractive to me, so I didn’t feel I was losing anybody I respect or find attractive on a r/AmItheAsshole. As a result, when our middle daughter and her cousin were born around the same time, my wife really expected them to also be best friends. If he WAS in the road, I could understand a quick honk to alert him to a passing car, but laughing at him is completely unnecessary. The 3 of you should meet in person and talk it out. So it could be just your body telling you to relieve stress. i met them at college, they are a lil bit odd for me. But maybe I shouldn’t have laughed because it could be triggering. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t enable your sister’s victim delusion or support your mothers attempt to do so. We were on and off for a couple of years from ages 15-17. So I was at school the other day, hanging out with my friends in the hallway and A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. Nothing happened in particular. After that, she hung up. You're not laughing at these people, which would be fucked up, and it sounds like you're a good carer. You’re quarantined, your parents are probably worried about so much. It’s not about that she actually believes what she’s preaching her, she just wants to control her daughters life. So my teacher said that he was going to call her mom. I heard them laughing at some point. To paraphrase from the Joker movie: "You're laughing. "Sorry for laughing in your face when you got your long predicted consequences of your own actions. 1. THAT’S how you sincerely apologize and help her to know she doesn’t suck at art and encourage her to keep going. TA_2loud4u. A support system has to be maintained. Mom is an asshole. UPDATE:AITA for laughing at my biological parents face when they told me leaving us was the hardest decision they have made? So,I made a post here like a month ago about my birth parents and here is the original link to that post. Here's what he thought was important for the sake of the story: - My friend of about 17 years (Delilah, 37f) had a very problematic childhood. YTA. Reply. My dad and his girlfriend have been dating since I was 17 everything was good in the beginning At first she would just visit or stay the night sometimes, she would help wash the dishes that she used, Order us food AITA for asking someone "what's funny about it?" when they laughed? Asshole. Today Dave's been sulking and grumbling about how I'm so mean, how I can't take a joke, everyone else thinks he's funny, etc. Inky_Madness. I'm not the OOP. Before the podcast started reading reddit stories, the hosts would choose a topic and research it using Wikipedia. Your intentions were not cruel, and it's impossible to be perfect. People think i may be a bad sister. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Average house is about $2m. Normally I would at least smile and nod at a bad joke, but I’m kind of tired of that and decided AITA for not laughing at my dad’s racist joke? Not the A-hole. First you said he was on the side of the road, and then you said he was in the road. Hey Reddit, I (26F) recently found myself in a pretty sticky situation, and I need your judgment to determine if I'm the a-hole here. Total-Ingenious10. This subreddit is for a podcast called Reddit On Wiki, that reads reddit stories. LaughingHousemateTA. I was so confused by this reaction, but my fiancee just looked bored, which MOD. I got mad, telling my mum that it’s not my fault that she’s broke. She called me for help after getting a flat tire and I ended up laughing at her. Many a childfree housewife, in addition to doing all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, also coordinate dinners for spouse and business partners, puts together amazing family parties and holidays, manages the household finances and savings, and does community volunteer work and charity tasks. He’s now pissed at me. I was in the living room and the men who made the delivery went with my husband to have a look at the bedroom before they started assembling the bed. You're a child so I'm not going to call anyone an asshole, but it was an asshole move on your part. OP should apologize for laughing and work with his wife to quickly figure out a better option for the first name, and try to compromise with her by keeping Bartholomew as a middle name. Have made this as a throwaway account because some of my family follows my Reddit. ”. Asshole. We’ve been together for 4 years, married for 2. ADMIN. People cross-post stories for a chance that our podcast hosts will read the story on the show. Yea, their demands are laughable, so laughing in response wasn't even remotely the wrong course of action. So AITA. " Shitheads like OOP demonstrate exactly why we need history and humanities in order to be an educated and well informed member of society. I (27M) have 2 sister, an older Jessica (30F) and a younger (26F). I do well at school myself, but Maddie has always excelled, and I'm admittedly a little envious of her abilit Am I, F19, the arsehole for laughing at old bully getting rejected? Last night I was catching a bus home from university (I live 30 minutes away from university, so I still live at home) it was a late night bus as I'd stayed back late and studied in the library. $1m will get you a 2b2bth in the shadier area, $500k will get you a parking space, and anything less will get you laughed at by real estate agents. She gets to make her own rules for herself and her parents are absolutely nuts to think they have any say at all. THOSE alarm-setters are AH. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I told my sister her baby name is terrible. It is a record of the post as originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. So, when he made fun of B, I began laughing. This happened many times, and I laughed most of the time, since it was genuinely funny. On the other hand, you now have learned a lesson, that maybe some people have things they're embarrassed about, things they can't control. OOP is u/throw-away12256 . We were all having a good time, chatting, and enjoying some drinks. Having people that are supposed to be your friend then join in by laughing is very hurtful. AITA for rescinding my sisters invite to my wedding and laughing at her husband? Not the A-hole. I (13f) have been dealing with my father’s (58m) racism my whole life, but either it has gotten worst in the last year or I never noticed most of it. It sounds like your friend maybe needs some time. Some people like turning their brain off for a couple hours while watching Jason Statham kick people in the face and idk why there is anything wrong with that. In the classroom, my classmate got in trouble. Percy makes another sexual comment at me and Sam snaps getting up and saying he's going to hit Percy. You didn't "laugh at him. OP's an adult with her own property. 4. You could be petty and tell her that if she needs motivation you can bully her as she did to you in the past. Apologizing is the correct move. This is a pretty cut and dry scenario. There’s also a sort of language barrier sometimes so something she finds hilarious just goes over my head because it doesn’t translate well. AITA for laughing after my proposal and making him cry? • This happened 8 years ago and it's one of my favorite stories to tell. I (40f) have a first cousin (34m) who doesn't work. Folks are trying to do their jobs, not get side tracked by failed comedians. " The only reason you know this woman is because you're dating her daughter. (Also was diagnosed with Autism earlier this year if that matters) NTA. It was laughing at one comment. The mother is a hypocrite: Telling her daughter to be a good, quiet servant to her husband while she forbids her husband to talk to his daughter. AITA for bursting out laughing when my SIL asked to live with us? Not the A-hole. My (F18) younger sister, Maddie (16), is both incredibly smart and incredibly confident. OP made a joke of himself in front of a large group of people and he’s coming to reddit for gratification from other immature 30 year olds. OOP wonders if they're an AH for laughing at their pregnant SIL. Try to be more empathetic. In this case, the actual tenants agreed that multiple alarms were fine. Our new four-poster bed arrived yesterday. With sixteen years of hindsight, I can say with certainty that the expectation was misplaced. And maybe out of frustration because Rob was disagreeing with what everybody else said. I (30s M) laughed at my wife’s (30s F) friend (30’s F). One of the housemates Jack (M30) has never lived with a woman outside of his mother but likes to say that he is "aware" of women's issues and calls himself a feminist. Reply reply. You’d rather rip them to shreds and write them off than fix the behavior and act like a grown up. there's a lot of reasons. AITA for laughing at someone who called me racist. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. We’re all just staring at her, dumbfounded. Original. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. AITA for laughing at my wife’s friend’s (30s F) dating logic. It happens to many people. I had a long distance boyfriend. AITA for laughing at how my friend used her inheritance? Asshole. Valuable-Dog-6794. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I laughed at a comment made about my sil’s weight not knowing she previously had an ED, because she’s been making comments about my weight and my loss of my son. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit AITA for laughing when my wife's friend called her out and said she was better than her? I married my wife 9 years ago. I might be the asshole for laughing and asking what she thought would happen when she let thieves and scumbags in her home. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! Follow the link above to learn more The main players in this conflict are my MIL (53f) and SIL (24f) to be. The Holocaust was one of the most monstrous events in human history involving millions dead and you're laughing. Reply reply more repliesMore replies. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here His son got a zero and is allowed to redo the project at school. a little while she poured water on my wife and everyone was laughing. So my school was doing this talent show thing yesterday and I laughed at a disabled kids rap song when he made a bar about spitting windex because his bars were so clean, I thought he was just messing around and having fun so I let out a bit of a chuckle Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. as a long time browser on this sub I know a lot of you may ask if I actually like my wife or why I married her. We were a pretty active couple as some people could understand and of course would try often as we could, you gave a chance to be alone for 2 seconds and we could finish that fast. " r/AmItheAsshole. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. My housemates and I all love telling jokes and having a laugh, but lately I feel like my housemates are telling too many bad jokes. AITA for laughing at my housemate when he suggested I not shower on my period? I've (31F) live in a share-house. Laughing at a girl's necklace being stolen which was given by her late father Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. NTA. AITA for laughing at my Ex and her husband for asking to have our daughter for another month Not the A-hole For some context I(46M) was married to my ex-wife Ida(46F) for 21 years before she cheated and remarried to her now dick of a husband Dan(48M). The relationship was blatantly toxic. It's not your job to teach her mom how to get informed or otherwise "challenge her beliefs. " NAH -I don’t think you meant to laugh. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I'm wondering if it was wrong to laugh at what he said. If people had reality-checked your sister harder and more often, she might actually have a healthy relationship with her daughter. r/AmItheAsshole. I am now sleeping on the couch, whereas K and B are still talking and laughing in my room. AITA for laughing at my boyfriend when he cried during a movie? Asshole. Now, she claims that I have hurt her for laughing and refuses to talk to me, whereas she still keeps talking to K. NTA- my mom shows me videos and tells me jokes that aren’t funny to me all the time. I told him this as hilarious and I hope he learned his lesson. . He was complaining and going to take it to the principal and I started laughing. Now she's pissed and thinks I am being a jerk. He went in and person and according to him got ripped a new one. And even if you’re disabled it doesn’t make you entitled to Demand drink service! This of course starts a screaming match between Sam and Becca and Percy. i was annoyed for my wife's behalf, but my mom said it was because my wife acts like an animal and made the litterbox joke. Laughter is something that’s really hard to control. NTA for laughing but you were to yourself and your child for not leaving sooner. This is a nonissue between my husband and I, but SIL has made it into one so I’d like to see what others think. So, a few days ago, my friend Sarah (27F) invited me to her place for a small gathering with a few other friends. The problem is Sally. For the sake of not writing a huge post I’ll just say my SIL have a very tense relationship. Percy and Becca go to the back deck. Teenage years can be very tough for those not in the "popular" group. This might sound kinda stupid now, but back then, especially with all the shit I was already dealing with, this was basically the last nail in the coffin. The housing crisis is real and our local politicians do nothing. Percy gets up to meet him, and I think Sam realized that this wasn't going to end well and sat back down. Yes. Plenty of pregnant women get disabled somewhere along the pregnancy. AITA for laughing when my cousin said I could support him? Not the A-hole. Other students saw that I was laughing, so they told the teacher. AITA for laughing at my friends? Hi, my name is Gilbert (23) i'm a non binary and i have two friends Aysha (24) n Savana (25) (fake names - and both females). AITA for laughing at my ex and his wife when they asked me to let her adopt our kids Me (28f) and my(29m) ex divorced 3 years ago basically I got pregnant at 18 we rushed into marriage 3 (10m,7f,4f) kids later. AITA for not laughing at bad jokes. CONCLUDED. As long as they can't hear you laugh, I don't see a problem. I wouldn't blame the people around you for thinking you were an asshole, as, in their eyes, you chose a bad moment to make a 'meme joke' and then laughed at your own joke. AITA for laughing at my dads gf. He has refused to seek work since then. Not a belly laugh but a quick loud “HA” before instantly clapping my hand over my mouth. After about 20 minutes, he walks across the street and comes into the restaurant we’re in. Song. AITA for laughing at my pregnant sil? so yesterday i (16f) and some family had dinner at my dads. He used to be a night desk attendant at a small local hotel, but the hotel closed (owner died, descendants decided to sell the property). •. We were laughing and making up stories about him (who he was talking to, why he was so angry, etc) assuming he didn’t see us/didn’t care. AITA for laughing at my brother's tattoo? Not the A-hole. Long story short, my wife and her friend were talking about her friend’s dating success. I have like 3b-3c hair type and I’ve had dreads for like past year. I understand it’s not easy or there’s fear, financial control, or whatever else the abuser choose to use that week. Husband and I (both 29) have two kids (5f/3f). Using my throwaway because I'm pretty sure I'm about to be roasted. Apparently Dave told him I sneered down my nose at him. But no, just being pregnant at all doesn’t make you disabled. If I vacuum when they’re watching tv, I let them turn the volume up a little. AITA for telling my friends that my husband isn’t well read? Background: My husband (let’s call him Will) is in the Navy, and he works on nuclear reactors on submarines. Usually, the responses are 50/50 on if I was an AH. Her friend then wanted to know what I found so funny. I ended up laughing, because it was kind of well timed I guess. Being made fun of is not fun. For some background: My parents have 3 kids. She’s a very hateful, mean person, constantly takes digs at my weight, tells anyone who will listen that I’m lazy and fat, a bad parent, and not good enough for her Looking back on it, I probably shouldn’t have done this as this really, really aggravated her. Maya (29f), Me (28m) and Sally (26f). My wife and her younger sister are best friends. A 30 year old dude legit rolling on the floor of an auditorium laughing because an 8 year old said fuck. And she did the opposite for years. AITA for laughing at SIL’s concern? Not the A-hole. Even rent is about $4-5k a month. ADMIN MOD. I blame myself everyday for allowing myself and my baby to go through all that. Friend #2 remained quiet and just watched, and Anna sat there laughing as I teared up and ran off. I know that reddit likes to bring out the fangs when they hear the word “bully,” but it’s honestly shocking how heartless adults are to children for childish actions. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. That's how my hometown paper's police blotter works-there's just a bit of 'X was arrested on a Y county warrant/Y city warrant and transported to county/city jail' as well as 'this or that business was robbed on this date' and 'so-and-so called to report that someone had broken into their home/stolen their identity and made fraudulent charges with their credit/debit card/had issues with a Buy the shipping list. He first started giggling and tried to cover his mouth then, in a matter of seconds he bursted out laughing. My friend came up to me and was laughing which made me laugh. Make a date to work on the project together and actually follow through. He sits at the table next to us and starts yelling/cursing at us, basically threatening us. So I was at my boyfriends house and we were watching Marley and me and he cried at the end, not cry but a few tears. my sil (26f) ill call her macy and my two brothers were there. As you said, it's a coping mechanism. It's a bodily reaction and when the laughing fit starts it's hard to stop anyway. Side note I dont use reddit often so but a friend told me to post it here I (26F) have been known my husband (28M) for 6 years and married for 3. He did nothing since I was his best student. Not the A-hole. I decided to post this with the help of my husband (who is unsure if my behavior was over the line). Just because she now struggles with her weight doesn’t negate the fact that she was an a-hole to you before. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. YTA - movie snobs are among the least fun people to talk to in the world. 2. Never thought I’d be posting this here but me and my fiancé are avid lurkers so i thought this would be a good spot to get a judgement. wq ru id gv bv gl xj po lr mq