Reddit i told my fiance to stop talking about his sick mother. Last time they met was at our wedding.

I don’t talk to my family. She's a big girl. Now, if he refuses to come to a similar arrangement like I did, then you will have to apply relativity theory. I told my husband I was ready to hear him out this weekend so we set aside time to talk. Everything they have built is based on a lie. There also hasn’t been any signs that my husband is/was having an affair. The boyfriend is a mama’s boy. I F30 have been with my fiance "Ned" M36 for a year and a half. I told him I was very mad at him for laughing at his comment instead of just saying no ir changing the topic. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: 1. For example, if he works 12 hours in a day, but you only work 8 hours in a day then 8 + 12 = 20. And then I reported it to my sister. her mom is german. My mother in law abused my husband and his brother in the same way your MIL is abusing your hubby. “8 years is a long time and people change”while true, I also have to live with the PTSD for much longer. I have a short update: I want to start by saying I've never experienced so much hate in my life before like what I got on my post from yesterday. stops. She assumes that I'm mad now because she hurt my feelings and is even talking about it with her husband. Original Post March 8, 2023. he’s so patient, loving and understanding and always Kay is a very shy and private person but even with that she couldn’t stop talking about Matt to Jay and me. She also admitted to me after we got engaged that she had been planning to ask him out before he asked me out, but she took too long. If he wants to talk, I listen. Her mother has battled cancer for awhile and her doctor visits are 164 votes, 47 comments. Your fiancé is never going to defend you or be on your side. I manage my own finances, drive myself and everyone in my social circle around because I taught myself to drive around how unwell I often feel, fill out forms, talk with authorities, attend university full time, have had fulfilling relationships, all in spite of the conditions that have and will in future be barriers. I told him it was a false equivalency and that I would still prefer A place to get personal things off your chest. He must be able to answer those questions. After that time, if the kids have not gotten sick again, everyone will be required to wear masks and gloves to come into the house until further notice. I’ve noticed that my boyfriends mom will talk about how much she loves her son, and how she would go to the ends of the earth for him. Posted by u/NegaBahamut - 4 votes and 10 comments We used to talk about my past, struggles, my family, always holding hands, he made me meet his very close friends but If I asked about him he used to shut me off. I hope she leaves your callous ass for being so insensitive. If Jay has deceived him in this way, I guarantee she has deceived him in others. You posted that. Well I really never expect to update, or at least not so soon, the moment I posted I was doing it because I really need to vent my feelings somewhere but I never expect to be treated so kindly by all of you Thank you ESH, your husband could have gone to that party and really from your responses there really wasn’t a valid reason he didn’t. If he doesn’t wanna talk, we play games or watch movies and cuddle. What sorts of things can I say to my g/f to help her? My g/f (28f) lives alone half the time two weeks out of the month she has her daughter with her. In the last 5 years, I saw my mother once when I visited my step-grandmother at the hospital a few days before she died, and she started screaming at me again that time. First of all, I’m sorry for the spelling mistakes, English isn’t my first language. So fast forward to now, it's 6 years later, I'm not with that boyfriend any more (shocker, dude in his 30s who dates 18 year old boys was toxic!), but I'm still in therapy and I'm still processing what I went through. Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching. I told my (27f) fiance (27m) to stop talking about his sick mother. Please be careful, my friend’s ex boyfriend was doing the same thing -or so he had told her- until she discovered he was actually betting every single day losing a very large amount of money and even scumming her into paying for his expenses (as a loan) for a couple months (rent, utilities & living expenses - they lived together) which came And that was it for me. The next day, I was a scared that I was losing my baby and of course his mom started to talk to me about it. Hi everyone. If she was interested enough in the mother's research for speaking with her to be unavoidable then she would have been been aware of her name before the Update: told my husband it’s his mother or me. I know that perhaps I'm not the thinnest I can be, but I hike and I eat okay. Was I wrong #aita #reddit Tell your mother and let your mother decide what to do. Last year, my stepfather, who I am really close to, told me that we should hang out more together, like going to the river near his place, he told me that he would Talk about gaslighting and no respect to OP whatsoever. She is going to be cremated and sent to his apartment. Apr 11, 2018 · Period. Obviously this is a strain on the relationship, and you aren't TA for wanting to have a conversation like adults, but if you ask him to stop outright that's a really crappy move, and you'd alienate him from you. That's her choice. she's very sweet and intelligent My mother is the greatest offender of this. Make you nasty, mean, say things you never thought you'd hear that person say. They pulled a lot of shit but I'm going to try and condense it: They spent months referring to us as "siblings" and introducing us to people as "our children", and constantly "joking" about us as though we were full (He deserved to go out partying, drinking, fucking and dropping out of college as they had done apparently) bonus crazy because MIL was a very young mother to children that she dumped on her husband whom she left for another man…. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. Practice empathy, and make sure that you care for yourself by making time for your AITA if I were to tell my girlfriend to stop complaining about. I stayed consistent in my decision, I also asked him not to bring his fiancée around our house out of respect for the mother of his children. Talking about how bad attitudes she had, how whatever she did was wrong, that she was not a nice person. Tell your mother that you will not engage in any conversations about your ex. 1st, "cheating" is usually a symptom of a much bigger issue in the relationship, or a symptom of a much bigger issue in your Dad. But I put my own life on hold, including NTA and much happiness and light to you, little sister. He has a 5yo son with his ex girlfriend. Good luck in your future, but I think it will be with someone else. This must be so hard on you and I can't even imagine. However your boyfriend/fiancé is not ready to get married anytime in the near future-probably longer. I'm losing my fiancé because I did something against her wish. AITA that i told my husband to stop supporting his adult daughter? Not the A-hole. Jay stole Matt's choice from him. I didn’t make a scene so I waited until they left to talk to my husband. If you respond to someone after they send you 50 messages, even to tell them to stop sending messages, what you are telling them is that if they want you to respond, they need to send 50 messages. Your wife will be a mother until the day she dies and just because you don’t like it isn’t going to change a damn thing. Every goddam time we visit. I paused for a moment and took a deep breath before saying, “look, I love you to death, but I’m so sick of hearing what other people would do, and what she should do. So I went to meet my fiance's mother for the first time last week. My first love manipulated me and hurt me pretty good emotionally and mentally. We were all devestated considering there were absolutely no warning signs and she was healthy as a horse her She eventually stopped talking to me after two hours and I went upstairs, feeling terrible, and told my boyfriend I would be better for him (we had gotten into an argument a few days before). But I can't help but to be frustrated when there is something that is a problem for her very often, has been a problem for a long time, AND (not or I am not The OOP, OOP is u/Own-Way-8855. Refusing to bring water, food, medicine—whatever will help—makes your boyfriend a really bad partner and the AH. Aug 28, 2023 · Nothing can rock a relationship like dealing with a sick parent of your spouse or partner. 2) Once he provides those in clear answers, he then MUST find a professional to look at the tunnel and get a proper evaluation and requirements for making it safe. update. I've been working at my job for a little over 2 years and I've known my coworker (who I'll call N) since my first day. Damselchum. She has kept his baby teeth, baby hair, you name it. I [24F] feel torn between my parents/sick mother [50s] and my husband [29M]. He has a right to grieve. YTA - For wanting to stop him caring for his sick mom. Today Susan's husband was sick so he didn't meet the guys. His father passed away when he was 5 months old. When she turned 30, we encouraged her to invite him too with the rest of her close friends from work. Or maybe he is grieving over the loss of his mother. So if they're screaming at you or coming off as intimidating in any way, take note Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching. “You must’ve had at least one adult you could tell!!!!” No, the adults in my life consistently proved they could not be trusted. He is right, and you should support him emotionally in ways that help him as he prepares to lose his mother forever since he loves her. For his girlfriend of three years to basically side with his mother after one professional conversation is an epic betrayal. Then she tells my mom she wants to talk to us all along with my boyfriend. I was skeptical so I asked her symptoms. Hey y’all. For simplicity sake, say you have 10 chores total 610 votes, 404 comments. Originally posted to r/AITAH. Update to my best friend and his inappropriate relationship with his mother. One of the last times they met was when my mother started screaming at my now-spouse in the kitchen at the church I attended at the time. When I did so, he asked me how I'd feel if he asked me to do the same. Was I wrong?Reddit storie ADMIN MOD. I noticed it the first day I met her. If people would spend more time getting to know each other and less time focusing on their differences, the workplace would be much better. ”. He felt it would hinder his progress of clearing his lungs. I feel like I'm losing my (27f) mind. 178. When everyone is healthy again, relationship issues can be discussed. You should tell. (His mother sleeps next to him every night) His mother would never allow him to have a staycation with his friends. vxpx73. His mother is what we can call as ‘strict parent’ because: His mother will ask him to go to bed at 11 pm. It took me a moment to gather the courage to tell her she needed to stop and her behavior was not okay. " She then started to make a joke out of it, saying she's sorry and that she knows I'll listen to her. Six months later I met my husband, we are married with kids, together for 12 years. We broke up because our parents (my mother, his father) got engaged. So the thought of doing this is making my stomach roll. Even he seems confused. My boyfriend told me his darkest secret and now I'm scared and confused. The day after Mother’s Day she called us all and told us she thinks she has covid. NSFW. He's cheating on you and your sister too. About a year ago, my mother was diagnosed with brain cancer after her tumor bled. He told me during therapy we learned to identify the problem, but didn’t learn how to handle it (we did), he told his mom what she wanted to hear - picking his battles and choosing what leads to the least Dec 6, 2018 · The tone your partner uses can turn a reasonable conversation into one that's toxic and verbally abusive. 2nd, how they choose to do themselves and their relationship is none of your business, and you can choose to let it effect your relationships with them or not. How do I do that? I am NOT OOP, OOP is u/No_Shine5330, now deleted. I'm not mad however I appreciate that you took my I speak from many many years of experience. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. He has stopped talking to me, and I don't know how to fix this. while out partying which she continued to do when I met her, guess it didn’t stop her “young life”. YTA. I told him I’m going to tell his mother about it, but he doesn’t know about the recording. Buried the lede there dude. I can’t let him treat me like this Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. ” and I quote. My ex was like that when I met him, would talk about his ex in a bad light constantly. He was adopted and neither he nor his parents knew much about his medical history. The wedding happened on Feb 11. 9. You can tell her that because the kids have been getting so sick so frequently that there will be no guests/family in the house for 30 days. A huge fucking asshole. [deleted] I hurt my fiancé and lost her trust. I was scared I wouldn’t meet someone in time to have a family (I really wanted children). They don't have a custody arrangement but he has him most of the week because the mom is currently sick. It's not just your parent's relationship. My mother in law is diabetic she fainted on the spot and my husband didn't stop he just walked out of there while his family were yelling at him. But I’ve never had a relationship with my sister. Told my fiancée her mom can respectfully fuck off unless she apologises 2. You deserve better, OP, so much better! I don't normally say it, and roll my eyes when I see it said here, but call off the wedding! Your fiance is seriously TA and what just happened will continue - you will be the odd one out with your fiance keeping secrets, letting you be humiliated Reply. he’s my best friend, my lover and my soulmate. Trigger Warnings: Original Post: March 13, 2024. I told my mother what my stepfather said to me and it broke my family. So Me (26M) and my now ex fiance (27f) had been dating for a little over 4 years when I asked her to marry and she AITA for attempting to stop my fiancee from living with her sick mother. (2) First, it was terribly insensitive. Luke meets his friends every Sunday, sometimes twice a week, to practice (he is a drummer). My fiancé is the only child and living with his only mother. your the AH because you made a big deal out of a (poor taste sure) joke. Update: My family wants me to forgive my brother after he tried to r0pe my fiancee. Mimisaac. she came to america (where i’m from) for university, that’s where i met her, i tutored her in english. Two days past, my relationship with my boyfriend was the best it had ever been. She faked sympathy and comfort for him, she manufactured the entire origins of their relationship. Probably shouldn't have resorted to insults. I had to tell him thar he won't get better if he doesn't rest. He asked me “shouldn’t I be like screaming at the heavens right now? Idk how to feel” I’m just kind of letting him take the lead. Living with someone who is always sick due to a chronic illness can bring challenges, but there are things you can do to be a supportive partner and take care of your own well-being. So here’s the scoop. Her husband, his dad, wasn’t always around growing up. She told him "My wife Susan had some girlfriends over yesterday and one of them is Kareena. i love my boyfriend so much that i cry thinking about it. I was a bit of an AH at 19 ADMIN MOD. My fiance was talking shit about me to her mother. he reads my mind and knows everything about me and can predict what i do and say next. Reply reply. Sep 5, 2019 · I moved back home and took care of my parents for four years until they died four months apart. N is a nice person, and a hard worker. There is a reason his friend feels comfortable speaking about you in this way. so anyway, i saw those reddit stories where by the couple who was going to get married It's so painful and traumatizing. ADMIN MOD. My mum is sick with cancer. I (28F) am getting married in two months to my wonderful fiancé, John (30M). He hasn't been telling me why he is having therapy. Being in a committed relationship is hard enough, but things shift in big and small ways when your partner’s parent becomes sick. My fiancé (26 M) and I (24 F) have been dating for 4 years and engaged for 5 I told my (27f) fiance (27m) to stop talking about his sick mother. The older generations don’t hate you. I had to convince him to take a cough suppressant. It’s no different than all the younger employees I hear talking crap about their older coworkers. If my mother talked to my fiancee that way I wouldn't want to talk to her either. I’m married now. Dec 26, 2023 · At a Glance. Everyday I get trauma dumped on, I'll get a random lecture about her favorite bands, movies, music, or animes- and a lot of the times I'll It's her fault he doesn't want to take time out of his day to talk to her. so, my fiance is from germany, and so she speaks german (of course). According to my sister in law #1 who witnessed it he yelled at his mother and berated her and caller her names then disowned her which shocked everyone in the house. Been together with my husband over 4 years. I got sussed by the fact that he won’t just stop talking to her. Something about her is that she is insanely boy-crazy, I think she genuinely thinks she's in a romcom or that every guy is in love with her and romcoms are in fact her favorite movies. There’s nothing wrong with him helping his mother out, but he’s gone waaaaaaaay overboard and ruining his other relationship(s). '". Basically, his family has a lot of get togethers where EVERYONE goes. She always finds a way to take a jab at something about my body. . So you are wrong. I 31 (m) live with my fiancee (30f) on the east half of Canada. Jump ahead to these sections: Why Is It Important to Support a Spouse or Partner With a Sick Parent Solid-Designer-8973. . She already bought her dress, and nobody has said ADMIN MOD. Anyway, Susan took her husband's phone and started texting Luke. It's 3800 km in between. ago. And if he’s lying, I could send it to his mother to get the truth out of him. I asked my boyfriend (27m) of a year to stop talking to his ex and asked him to block her. Sick of my mother commenting on my weight. Just be aware that she's a human being too. talking. Her step dad called her to say your mother stopped breathing and they are working on her in the hospital. He has held something from me for a while thats been plaguing him. Chills ran down my spine. Beetz_Don. Expand user menu You said he told you his mother is essentially on her death bed, and he wants to spend as much time as he can with her in the remaining time she has left in your post. TRIGGER WARNING: verbal abuse and emotional abuse. Also during this phase he said he doesn't want a relationship but did everything like you do when you are beginning the relationship. After I told her and the husband that I was pregnant and they were too happy, but my fiancé said he promised to support me and will help me no matter what. Not even a text. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: (1) I told my grieving husband to get over his dead mother. MembersOnline. His friend is an asshole, but you’re fiancé is blatantly disrespecting you but continuing to allow this behavior. They just can’t always relate. She's trying to make amends with people whilr she still can, and she reached out to me. We pretty much get there say hi to everyone then do our… I'm breaking off my engagement because my fiance might get sick in the future My fiance and I have been together for five years. She had a lot to say about Jackie. She wouldn’t stop touching his arms, longingly gazing at him all day, hugging him for 5 minutes tooong while her hands were tucked in this back pockets. is it normal? gushing. 8/20 = 40% of the chores for your boyfriend, while 12/20 = 60% of the chores for you. It's ok to feel like you don't want to take care of her anymore. "If your partner tells his mother everything, this is a bad sign," says Kimberly Hershenson, LMSW. My bf and I (F29) fell madly in love last year. My g/f is freaking out and needs me to talk to her. Admittedly I have tried to jerk their chain on this matter by getting a female friend to pretend to be my girlfriend. I assumed it was his very unhappy childhood but I respected his privacy. My chin, my thighs, my arms, my stomach. To the people who reached out, thank you. People who feel physically horrible are not fair game. At first she told me that she was worried about my health, but then it got weird. arting4fun • 3 yr. That lasted one year before I realized something was wrong and the dude was crazy/narcissistic. She changes her entire demeanor whenever a guy talks to her, even if they're just asking for the hour or stuff as trivial as that. Block your ex and stop talking to him. He says he’s already made it clear to her that he’s not interested in anything more than friends, and even if she does hit on him he’ll just shut her down. No matter where we are. So many people had asked me for an update and PM’d me asking to be updated about the situation, so here it is: Over this past week me, my wife and my friends wife sat at their house and had a I made it clear to my son, I would not be attending and they would not have my blessing. ADMIN. Even though we made sure to give cards and gifts to my MIL who has been a huge support for me and my siblings and my grandmother who raised us when we weren’t with my mother. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver My ex boyfriend and I were together for just over 3 years. He tried taking expectorant, but it wasn't very effective. •. It would have been better for her not to speak to her at all. "If she constantly asks intrusive questions, your partner needs to be able to reply: 'That is not up for discussion. I recorded the call so I can send his mother because if he really is sick he needs all the help he can get. She may choose to accept it. [deleted] •. His mother told him she would see to it that I would attend. When my fiance and I caught covid twice, my fiance had horrible coughing fits that lasted for a couple of months. Hello all, I'm looking for some outside perspective. My husband (54M) keeps supporting his daughter (27F) who’s a single mom. My one big problem is she never. Last time they met was at our wedding. ETA: your wife didn’t “lose” her baby at 32 weeks, she gave birth to a living child, then it died. When I told him I want him to stop talking to her completely, he said he’s not gonna do that. Then there’s yesterday. They were wonderful people and I don’t regret it. I want you to know I really feel for you. Do not give your adulterous father a chance to cover his tracks in advance of your mother knowing. AITA for breaking up with my fiancée due to my mother. He's the love of my life and I literally can't imagine being without him. My mother maintained a nearly perfect polite-mask and then burned or disinfected everything she touched when she left. He said that I am overreacting and that it was just the way his dad jokes. NTA The rule is: don’t neglect, pile on or argue with the sick person. I know I’m going to have to talk to my husband about this, but I want to do it in a way that doesn’t sound accusatory. Then, she told my brother about it which makes it even worse because when I went to my room, he followed me saying not to listen to my mom. We met when we lived out west where she grew up and the ups and downs of life have us living where I grew up. Confusing title but ok. Non-Romantic. I'm 5'6" and 128lbs. And when he decided to be a father/“husband”, he treats her r/offmychest. NC with my mother results in my siblings being NC too-with the exception of flying monkey duties. If he can’t/won’t do that he’s not marriage material. You both need premarital counseling and he needs to be able to stand up for you, stand up for himself and stop letting his family take advantage of him. I (47F) am very frustrated about this and thinking long hard and want to know if my feelings are valid. Your future husband wants you to be his family, for the rest of his life, and that it's worth not having someone doesn't treat his decisions and his loved ones with respect in his life Stop digging until he canprovide you a clear map and design of his ultimate goal and design for the tunnel. it’s clear from reading it that it was a joke and i have a feeling you probably told your husband she was serious- frankly i wouldn’t like We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I told him I didn’t find the “joke” funny. Maybe he is not grieving the loss of the mom he never had but the loss of what could have been since they had reconnected. AITAH for breaking up with my fiancé because of his mother. I love her with all my heart. We've been together for four years, and he's… It’s been this way my entire life and has never shown any sign of improving, my mom was diagnosed with a terminal illness she has since began to recover from, though throughout the time she was sick, our relationship just got worse than it already was to the point I started distancing myself more and more. One with stage 4 cancer. She didn't just tell that lie once, she told it repeatedly. I (m32) proposed to my fiancé (f39) 2 months ago and she said yes. I always try to be understanding and support my girlfriend with all of her problems in life, she has a lot to deal with. Hello to everyone again. My boyfriend still talks to his ex and it's making me really insecure. She was a Wiccan and very open about it. Open conversations about your own needs and concerns are essential. At lunch, she blatantly said “you know the dress I would have picked. He’s most likely reevaluating your relationship after the way you spoke about his mom and to him. Or he is grieving the loss of potential answers to his own identity. Then unfair, and not understanding. Currently, the daughter lives with her mom and is asking him for help MrsMurphysCow • 1 yr. i’m honestly deeply and madly in love with him. She talked about how badly she wanted to marry me after the first 5 or so months into the relationship, and it was like that up until a little after 2 years into the relationship I proposed to her (which she said yes) then a few months later right after 2020 started she told me she fell out of love with me, broke up Meanwhile, I texted my boyfriend that I had thrown up and that I was worried about having covid because my immune system isn’t in best shape, his response was “poor baby” then a few minutes later he texted me saying “i know you’re feeling sick and all but can you send me a picture of your ass I wanna jerk off. She was very hesitant and panicked at first but then she thought yeah why not, his assignment was almost done anyway. Asshole. There is no ridding myself I just wanted to tell you that I had to break up with my 5 year live in BF when I was almost 29 with a planned engagement, over the way he treated me. With company or alone. she lives in a different state so we flew over and stayed… Jesus, well you got what you wanted he wants to talk about his mom and you said not to so he isn’t talking to you. So this situation is just fucked all around. Please bare with me this is going to be a long one. trigger: mention of SA, suicide. That's because in order to have a healthy relationship with his mom, your guy has to have some boundaries. mt um qn js jo vt oc ll fy ic